Piecing Peace

On a walk in the woods pondering “Forget the nouns. Do the verbs.” Seasons seasoningLeaves leavingWalkers walkingTalkers talkingOverhear “Then it spreads through your entire class.”Teachers teaching?In this COVID world Coin shortagesChanging changeInnovators innovatingCreators creatingAdapters adaptingIn this COVID world Go the distance while distancingMasks maskingFear, anger, and frustrationsMore hoping, less mopingEasier said than doneIn this COVID…

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Field of Dreams

Terra firmaSolid groundThe perfect place to plant?Spades pierce the soilto rousing cheers.Grand plans for this field Work the soilDay and nightWork and tillWork untilthe time is right With an ear to the groundand eyes to the skiesnow is the acceptable timeto plant.Lovingly.Hopeful and hope-filled.Careful and care-filled.No detail overlooked. The perfect spot for the perfect field.Seeds…

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A Labor Day Blessing

For all those who labor, we give thanks:Creatives, administrativesMusicians, technicians, estheticiansAttendants, superintendentsParcel carriers, fitness trainers, exterminatorsDrivers from point A to point BLibrarians, veterinariansLocksmiths and waitstaffButchers, shop owners, cashiersStenographers, biographers, photographersEntrepreneurs, dispatchersLab techs, deckhandsCustomer service and grocersWarehouse pickers, house flippersPilots and chefsGroundskeepers, street sweepersShoppers, moppers and sanitation crewsNurses, doctors, dentists, all healersTeachers and preachersMechanics and engineersFire…

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A Back to School Blessing

For those who yearn to learn… Bless parents with patienceBless all making tough decisionsBless teachers with tech skillsBless students with wisdom Bless lunchboxes and backpacksBless laptop computersBless iPads and ChromebooksBless books and e-readers Bless all learning in personBless those learning on screensBless students studying aloneBless pod learning on teams May we learn to be kindTo…

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